Building the pieces together

Robot MK2 aka “TOMMY”
This is the first robot ever built by our team for the First Tech Challenge competition for the 2022-2023 season POWER PLAY, our rookie season.
This robot was made gradually as our team progressed in the competition. It is the “one side slider claw” concept, considered to be the cheapest and most easy to build type of robot in that season.
It was built on a goBilda Strafer Chassis Type, but a little bit smaller, to be agile on the field. It was powered by 4 goBilda motors pumping 312rm at a 1:1 ratio with the 96mm goBilda Mecanum Wheels. It was using a 3D printed claw designed by ,,LoonySquad” (a gathering of members from different teams around the world that design parts for the META for every season’s game). This claw was lifted up by a 312 rpm motor, with the stringing displaced in a “cascade” shape so that the 4 MISUMI slides sitting in front of the robot could be lifted fast to put the POWER PLAY cones on the junctions.
In terms of interesting features and great achievements, this robot had the start of what we called “RaikuRunner”, our teams custom localization code and interpolator. It also had a key feature for that year’s game, it had full ground clearance because of his retractable odometry. Combined, this robot could do what was called ,,1+5 autonomus” in the POWER PLAY game, something that many people in FTC thought was impossible for a robot with the “one side slider claw” concept. This robot was the best example that even underdogs can do big things if they are built right.
Robot MK3
The MK3 bot is our off-season creation for the 2022-2023 First Tech Chellenge season, POWER PLAY. It started as a project for the national stage of the FTC Romania competition, but with very little time between stages we did not have the chance to finish it in time. After the national stage our team wanted to progress and learn. So we decided to continue the build, and make a robot capable of being a good contender at the off-season competitions and it turned down well.
So, this robot is built on a custom made chassis made out of 4mm aluminum plates powered by 435rpm goBilda motors, moving the 96mm Mecanum wheels by a belts. The custom chassis was a huge improvement for our team because it gave us a new perspective in how to model a robot.
The concept of the MK3 robot was quite complex. It was called “EXTENDO” and what it could do was that it was using a set of MISUMI slides that were put on the chassis from both the right and left parts of it longitudinally to extend half a field. On the end of the slides there was a “virtual4bar” system that works like a stabilizer for a claw, made out of two custom aluminum arms. The claw was the same “LoonyClaw” like we had on the MK2 robot. After our robot grabbed the cones, it would transfer them by our “virtual4bar” system to our outtake deposit area, where the cones were secured by a 3D printed micro arm. The outtake was made out of 6 MISUMI slides with a linear stringing attached to 1620 rpm goBilda motors that were able to lift the cones to the maximum height of the junctions in 0.29 seconds. On the slides there was a 3D printed guide that was pushing the junctions in order to make them align right under the cones so that the robot could score without error much faster than any other robot.
The best features on the robot were the “RaikuRunner” localization code and interpolator but at much more advanced and better optimized than the old version from the MK2 robot. Also the fact that the transfer from the ground to the deposit took somewhere close to 0.5 seconds, the outake took 0.29 seconds to lift and the extension reached its maximum in less than 1 second made this robot able to do the so called “1+5 SOUTH POLE Autonomus” and also was able to do the normal “1+5 Autonomus” in 17 seconds. This Robot was the best way to step up our game in terms of engineering a FTC robot.

A Journey of Dedication and Innovation
These robots are more than just machines; they are pivotal stepping stones in RoSophia's remarkable journey. They stand as powerful symbols of the team's unwavering dedication, their indomitable innovative spirit, and their relentless pursuit of excellence in the world of robotics.
With every project they undertake, RoSophia doesn't just build robots; they build a legacy of constant evolution and improvement. Each robot's development journey represents a chapter in their story, showcasing their ability to adapt, learn, and push the boundaries of what is achievable. As they hone their skills, they also set new standards for themselves and inspire the entire FTC community.
RoSophia's path in the world of robotics is a testament to the incredible heights that can be reached when passion, dedication, and innovation come together. With every project, they redefine what is possible, and their journey continues to inspire those who share their passion for robotics and technology.